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"Resolution 1559"


This term refers to UN Security Council Resolution 1559 (9/04), which calls for strengthening the sovereignty of the Lebanese government, the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon and the disarmament of militias. ​


The resolution intended to bolster the governing abilities of the Lebanese regime over its entire territory, in light of the presence of the Syrian army in Lebanon, as well as due to the existence of armed militias that do not adhere to Lebanese sovereignty (predominantly Hizbullah). While Syria indeed withdrew from Lebanon, the disbanding and disarmament of the militias and the deployment of the Lebanese army were not fully implemented.

"Resolution 1559"


Concepts and Terms

National Security

Regional Security

The resolution calls for strengthening the Lebanese government and safeguarding Lebanon's territorial integrity, sovereignty, political independence and international borders.

קראו את הגרסה בעברית

Delegitimization, Partner for Peace, Legitimacy, Emergency Preparedness, National Security Council

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